VEI is proud to present ‘Annual Report 2018’


VEI Annual Report 2018
46 projects in 20 different countries

With pride, we introduce our VEI Annual Report 2018. In 2018, VEI worked on 46 projects in 20 countries in Africa, Asia and South America. 12 projects were completed. The team of VEI was able to have a sustainable impact on the day-to-day lives of 321,711 people by giving them access to water and/or sanitation services. This is a major accomplishment in the history of VEI, as it provides a boosting increase from 2017 of almost 30%.

We believe that everybody in the world deserves proper, adequate and sustainable water services delivery. Being able to make a practical difference in the lives of so many is the essence of VEI’s work. With our work, we contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, SDG#6: water and sanitation for all in 2030.

Enjoy reading our VEI Annual Report 2018!