WaterWorX project: WOP Mandalay Myanmar

  • Myanmar
  • Myanmar - Mandalay City Development Committee

Due to current developments, the WaterWorX project with MCDC has been put on hold since February 1, 2021. We hope to be able to restart our activities in Myanmar in the near future. For 2023 a small budget is allocated to continue small community water projects and explore options for future projects in various situations.

Mandalay WaterWorX (MDY WWX) is the only WaterWorX project in Myanmar and the only project VEI is carrying out in Myanmar. MDY WWX works together with the Water and Sanitation department of MDDC on improving water services in the city of Mandalay. This is done by capacity building on different topics: 

Financially Sustainable operations 
By creating insights through management data, proposals for clearer job descriptions, HR practices and Prioritization of projects, and by setting up Standard operation procedures for maintenance activities we provided the basics for sustainable operations.

New connections
Access to water (2300 HH, basic service), was planned through the pro-poor project. Though preparation has almost finished it is unsure if realization will be finalized within Phase1.

“Indirect connections” 
This topic addresses either facilitation of other projects realizing connections or activities that enable better or more water (and thus connections). MDY WWX contributed largely in “Indirect connections” through:

  • A successful Drive Project application for realization of 20.000 house connections and water-intake, treatment and distribution with a capacity for 32.000 connections (safely managed).
  • Water Quality: Laboratory training and hardware enabling both microbiological and chemical analysis, contributing to an unknown number of safely managed connections and better operation of the chlorination systems.
  • Water Quantity: Tube well regenerations resulting in an increase in production capacity. Standard operating procedures for maintenance activities enable the continuity in water supply and training in hydrological analysis and sustainable water resources management. 

For more information please contact:

Vera Lagendijk, Project Manager Myanmar

Vera Lagendijk

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