WaterWorX project: WOP Zambia
- Zambia
- 4.4 million euro

Southern Water and Sanitation company (SWSC) started its operations in 2000 upon parliament approving the National Water Supply and Sanitation Act No. 28 of 1997.
SWSC is a private limited company incorporated under the Companies Act Cap 388 of the Laws of Zambia. It is regulated by National Water Supply and Sanitation Council (NWASCO), the water sector regulator. SWSC is mandated and licensed to provide water and sewerage services in the Southern Province of Zambia, on behalf of all the districts.
Vision: to be the leading and viable potable water and sanitation service provider in Zambia.
Mission: to provide potable water and sanitation services in Southern Province, efficiently, effectively, sustainably and viably to the satisfaction of our stakeholder.
Key objectives from the five-year strategic plan: (1) Reduce NRW from the current 35% to 30% by 2022; (2) Increase access to sanitation services from 22.5% to 25%; (3) to achieve an improved level of customer satisfaction; (4) to staff the company with competent and motivated staff; (5) to attain financial viability.